Bitcoin Crash 2024
Bitcoin Crash 2024

The crypto market is in shock. For thefirst time in over a month, the Bitcoin price has fallen below 60,000 dollarsVarious factors, both external and internal, are contributing to this drastic drop in price. In this article, the main reasons for this slump are explained and analyzed in detail.

Mount Gox Redemptions

Mount Gox was one of the first and largest crypto exchanges worldwide to file for bankruptcy in 2014. At that time, around 940,000 bitcoins worth several billion dollars were stolen or lost. Despite extensive efforts, only around 141,000 bitcoins were recovered. These Bitcoins have increased significantly in value since the insolvency and now represent a potential repayment sum of around 9 billion dollars.

Repayment process

The repayment to Mount Gox’s creditors is divided into several phases. The first phase begins in July 2024 and is referred to as the “Early Payout”. Creditors who were willing to accept a so-called “haircut” in order to receive an earlier payout will get their bitcoins back in this phase. The haircut is around 11%, which means that these creditors will only receive 89% of their original claims. It is estimated that about 2% of the total repayments fall into this category.

Calculations and impact

According to calculations by Galaxy, a leading research company in the crypto sector, around 94,000 Bitcoins of the original 141,000 Bitcoins remain after deduction of the haircut. These will be divided up further:

  • Credit fund: 20,000 Bitcoins
  • Bitcoinera Bankruptcy: 10,000 Bitcoins
  • Individual creditors: 64,600 bitcoins

The total value of these 64,600 Bitcoins is around 3.9 billion dollars at current exchange rates. Many of these creditors are believed to be early Bitcoin investors who may be tech-savvy and have a long-term attitude towards Bitcoin. Nevertheless, it is likely that a significant portion of these creditors will sell their bitcoins to realize gains, which could increase selling pressure on the market.

Market reactions and panic

The announcement of the upcoming repayments has already led to panic reactions in the market. Historically, any news about Mount Gox has led to wild market swings as traders try to anticipate the impact on the Bitcoin price. One example of this panic is the false information that creditors would only receive $483 per Bitcoin, which is not the current legal situation. In fact, creditors will receive bitcoins at their current value, making the actual repayments significantly more valuable.

Long-term prospects

Although the impending repayments from Mount Gox are seen as a potential trigger for selling pressure, it is important to consider that these repayments could be spread over a longer period of time. Previous delays and the complex legal framework could result in repayments being slower and more gradual. This could enable the market to absorb the additional bitcoins without causing a massive drop in price.

Corrections in the Traditional Market: Nvidia

Nvidia is a leading technology company specializing in graphics processing units (GPUs) and artificial intelligence (AI). The company has established itself as a key player in the tech industry and is known for its powerful GPUs, which are used not only in the gaming industry but also in areas such as data science, machine learning and autonomous vehicles. Nvidia is one of the most valuable technology companies in the world and recently even briefly achieved the title of the world’s most valuable company.

Corrections and price erosion

In recent days, however, Nvidia has undergone a significant correction. The company’s shares have lost 16% of their value in a period of just three days. This correction corresponds to a loss in value of over 500 billion dollars in market capitalization, which is roughly equivalent to the entire market value of Ethereum. This drastic price drop has a significant impact on the entire market and is also dragging down the price of Bitcoin.

NVIDIA Price Chart

NVIDIA Price Chart

Insider selling and market sentiment

A major factor in Nvidia’s recent price drop is the extensive insider selling. Senior figures in the company, including founders, CEOs and other high-ranking employees, have sold a significant portion of their shares. This indicates that even management is cautious at the current high valuations and wants to realize their profits. Such insider selling is often interpreted as a negative signal and increases uncertainty and mistrust among investors.

Influence on the Bitcoin market

Nvidia plays a significant role in the traditional market, and changes in the company’s share price can have far-reaching effects. The correction at Nvidia has also affected the Bitcoin market. As Nvidia is considered one of the leading companies in the technology sector, a negative development at Nvidia often drags down the entire tech sector and thus the cryptocurrency market. The recent drop in Nvidia’s price has thus contributed to a general market correction, which has also weighed on the Bitcoin price.

Technical analysis and bubble formation

The recent development at Nvidia is seen by some market analysts as an indication of a possible bubble. The rapid rise in the share price, followed by an equally rapid fall, points to high volatility and speculative exaggerations. The correction could be a sign that the market has exaggerated expectations of future growth opportunities for Nvidia and other tech companies. If this negative sentiment in the technology sector intensifies, this could lead to further price declines and a general cooling of the market.

Long-term prospects and potential

Despite the current correction, Nvidia remains a strong company with considerable growth potential in the long term. Demand for GPUs and AI solutions is expected to continue to rise and Nvidia is well positioned to benefit from these trends. However, investors should be mindful of the short-term volatility and risks associated with the current market environment. Careful analysis and a diversified investment strategy are crucial to be successful in the long run.

Internal Problems of the Bitcoin Market

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Bitcoin Price Chart (Image:Tradingview)

Overbought market situation and lack of buying demand

One of the biggest internal problems of the Bitcoin market is the current overbought market situation. This means that the Bitcoin price has risen sharply recently without a corresponding increase in demand. The Relative Strength Index (RSI), a technical indicator used to assess overbought or oversold conditions, shows that the Bitcoin market is currently heavily oversold. Such conditions were last seen during the FTX crash, indicating a strong correction.

Leverage buyers and short-term traders

Another significant factor weighing on the Bitcoin market is the high activity of leverage buyers and short-term traders. These market participants focus on short-term price movements and often use leverage to maximize their profits. However, such practices lead to increased volatility and can trigger cascades of selling when the market suddenly falls. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that many of these traders try to “catch falling knives”, meaning that they invest in falling prices in the hope of an imminent recovery. Such strategies can lead to significant losses and further market distortions.

Liquidations and selling pressure

The Bitcoin market has seen significant liquidations recently. In one day alone, over 346 million dollars of positions were liquidated, with 300 million dollars of this being long positions. Such liquidations increase selling pressure and can lead to rapid and drastic price declines. These liquidations often result from the closing of leveraged positions when market prices fall below certain thresholds, leading to a cascade of selling.

Lack of spot buying demand

Another problem is the lack of spot buying demand. Despite the initial upward movement of the Bitcoin price in recent months, the actual demand for buying Bitcoin on the spot market has not developed accordingly. Data from crypto analytics firms shows that demand for physical Bitcoin, as measured by transactions and trading volume, has fallen sharply. This suggests that recent price movements have been driven mainly by speculative activity rather than genuine demand.

Influence of Bitcoin ETFs and arbitrage

The introduction of Bitcoin ETFs has also played a complex role in current market activity. Although the overall inflows into these ETFs have been substantial, many of these inflows are neutral as they come from hedge funds pursuing arbitrage strategies. These strategies involve buying Bitcoin on the spot market and selling futures contracts to take advantage of price differentials. Such activities have no direct impact on the price of Bitcoin and can increase market volatility without creating sustainable demand.

Selling of Bitcoin by miners

Another internal selling pressure comes from Bitcoin miners. Reports show that miners have sold around 30,000 bitcoins since the beginning of June. These sales are taking place at a time when the market is already weak, putting further downward pressure on the price. Miners often sell their bitcoins to cover operating costs and maintain their mining activities, leading to additional sales in the market.

Impact of Bitcoin ETFs

Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have gained popularity in recent years as they offer investors an easier way to invest in Bitcoin without having to overcome the technical challenges of buying and storing cryptocurrencies directly. Bitcoin ETFs bundle bitcoins and offer shares that can be traded like stocks on exchanges. This has piqued the interest of institutional and private investors alike and has brought a new wave of capital into the crypto market.

Inflows and market volume

Since their launch, Bitcoin ETFs have seen significant capital inflows. In total, around 17.6 billion dollars have been invested in these ETFs. These inflows have helped to support and in some cases increase the price of Bitcoin in the past. The net inflow, after deducting outflows by other funds such as Grayscale, amounts to around 14.5 billion dollars. These sums illustrate the importance of ETFs as a driver for the Bitcoin market.

Basis trade arbitrage

A significant part of the inflows into Bitcoin ETFs comes from so-called basis trade arbitrage strategies. These strategies are mainly used by hedge funds and involve buying Bitcoin on the spot market and selling futures contracts at the same time. The aim is to profit from price differences between the spot and futures markets. It is estimated that this type of arbitrage accounts for around 4.5 billion dollars of total ETF inflows. These funds have no direct impact on the Bitcoin price as they are neutral and do not generate net demand.

Spot rotation

Another significant portion of inflows, around 5 billion dollars, comes from so-called spot rotations. These rotations occur when investors shift their existing Bitcoin positions into ETFs for various reasons, be it for tax reasons, for better management or to take advantage of ETF-specific benefits. This part of the inflows has also not exerted any direct buying pressure on the Bitcoin market, as it is merely a redistribution of existing holdings.

Selling pressure due to outflows

While inflows into Bitcoin ETFs have supported the market in the past, outflows pose a potential threat. If investors start to sell their ETF shares in large volumes, this can lead to significant selling pressure on the Bitcoin market. This is especially true if ETFs are forced to liquidate the bitcoins they hold in order to meet investor redemptions. Such outflows could weigh heavily on the Bitcoin price, especially if other negative factors influence the market at the same time.

Bitcoin ETF Inflows

Bitcoin ETF Inflows (Image: Farside)

Sentiment and market sentiment

The general sentiment in the Bitcoin market has deteriorated recently. The sentiment is comparable to that of September 2023, when the Bitcoin price fell to around USD 25,000 after the FTX crash. The current sentiment is characterized by negative news and pessimistic market sentiment. This is also reflected in the outflows from Bitcoin ETFs, which have exceeded one billion dollars in the last two weeks of trading.

Funding rates and arbitrage returns

The attractiveness of arbitrage strategies in the Bitcoin market has declined recently. Average returns from basis trade arbitrage have fallen from over 10% per year to around 6%. In earlier phases of the market, especially during the highs, these returns were even above 40% per year. These declining returns have led hedge funds and other arbitrageurs to close their positions and withdraw capital, creating additional selling pressure.


The repayments by Mount Gox creditors represent a significant uncertainty for the Bitcoin market. While the exact impact is difficult to predict, the slow and gradual payout could help alleviate potential selling pressure. Investors should monitor developments closely and adjust their strategies accordingly to be prepared for potential market fluctuations.

The recent correction in Nvidia highlights the potential risks and volatility present in the technology market and the broader financial market. Nvidia’s strong influence on the market as a whole highlights how interconnected the individual sectors are. Investors should be aware of the potential impact and act accordingly to protect their portfolios from unexpected market developments.

Bitcoin ETFs have undoubtedly played an important role in the crypto market by enabling significant capital inflows and facilitating access to Bitcoin for a broader investor community. Nevertheless, they also carry risks, particularly in relation to potential outflows and their impact on the Bitcoin price. The current market situation is complicated by a combination of negative sentiment, declining arbitrage yields and potential selling pressure from ETF outflows. Investors should carefully monitor these factors and adjust their investment strategies accordingly in order to be prepared for potential market volatility.

The internal problems of the Bitcoin market are manifold and complex. Overbought market conditions, lack of spot buying demand, high levels of activity from leveraged buyers and short-term traders, and significant liquidations and selling pressure from miners all contribute to the current uncertainty and volatility. Investors should closely monitor these factors and adjust their strategies accordingly to minimize risks in this volatile market. The Bitcoin market is facing a challenging phase and only a sustained recovery in demand can lead to stabilization and a renewed uptrend.

The Bitcoin market is facing a critical phase, characterized by external shocks and internal challenges. The impending repayments by Mount Gox, the possible sales by the German government and the general uncertainty in the traditional market pose considerable risks. At the same time, the market lacks the necessary buying impetus to compensate for this selling pressure. Investors should prepare for a volatile phase and adjust their strategies accordingly. The coming months will be decisive in determining whether the Bitcoin market will experience another drastic slump or whether it can stabilize.


Ed Prinz serves as Chairman of, the most renowned non-profit organization in Austria specializing in blockchain technology. DLT Austria is actively involved in the education and promotion of the added value and application possibilities of distributed ledger technology. This is done through educational events, meetups, workshops and open discussions, all in voluntary collaboration with leading industry players.

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This is my personal opinion and not financial advice.

For this reason, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information in this article. If you are unsure, you should consult a qualified advisor you trust. No guarantees or promises regarding profits are made in this article. All statements in this and other articles are my personal opinion.

By Ed Prinz

Ed Prinz co-founded, a digital marketplace for blockchain-secured assets, and chairs, a leading blockchain non-profit.

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