The USA and Bitcoin – A Strategic Move?
The USA and Bitcoin – A Strategic Move?

The idea that the United States could acquire 5% of all available bitcoins is a significant strategic move that has far-reaching economic and geopolitical implications. This move will not only change the financial landscape of the US, but also strengthen its position as an economic superpower. In this article, we will examine the various aspects of this decision and discuss its potential impact on the US economy and the global financial order.

The Role of Bitcoin as a Reserve Asset

Bitcoin has emerged as a major digital currency in recent years and is increasingly being considered as a reserve asset. Its limited availability and underlying blockchain technology make Bitcoin an attractive asset for governments and institutional investors. In this chapter, we explore why Bitcoin is valuable as a reserve asset and how it could be integrated into national reserves.

Scarcity and appreciation

Bitcoin is limited to 21 million units, making it a scarce asset. This scarcity is a determining factor in its value, similar to gold. As the demand for Bitcoin grows, so does its price. Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed indefinitely, the limited amount of Bitcoin provides a hedge against inflation. Since its launch, Bitcoin has seen an average annual increase in value of around 55%, far outperforming most traditional asset classes.

Comparison to gold

Historically, gold has been considered the ultimate reserve asset. The US holds around 19% of the world’s gold reserves, reinforcing its financial stability and independence. However, Bitcoin offers several advantages over gold. For one, Bitcoin is digital and can therefore be stored and transferred more easily and securely. In addition, Bitcoin has high liquidity as it is traded on numerous exchanges worldwide. While gold continues to play an important role, Bitcoin could serve as a complement and provide another layer of security and diversification.

Technological advantages

Bitcoin is based on blockchain technology, which is decentralized and highly secure. Every transaction is recorded in a public ledger that is verified by thousands of computers worldwide. This decentralization makes the system resistant to manipulation and hacker attacks. For the US, this means that funds invested in Bitcoin are safe and well protected. These technological advantages increase confidence in Bitcoin as a reliable reserve asset.

Potential for debt reduction

The integration of Bitcoin into the national reserves could offer significant financial benefits. For example, the value of Bitcoin could rise sharply over the next few years. Assuming the US holds 1 million Bitcoin for 20 years, the increase in value could be enough to reduce the national debt by half. This forecast is based on the assumption that Bitcoin continues its current growth trend and continues to be viewed as an appreciating asset.

Acquisition strategy and timeframe

The acquisition of Bitcoin by the US could take place in several phases. The proposal calls for the U.S. to buy 550 Bitcoin per day until it reaches a reserve of 4 million Bitcoin. This would take about five years, with no more than 200,000 Bitcoin being acquired each year. This strategy ensures that purchases do not unduly influence the market and drive up prices. Currently, the US government already holds about 200,000 bitcoin, stemming from various legal actions. These holdings could serve as a starting point for the planned acquisition.

Diversification of reserves

The addition of Bitcoin to the national reserves would represent a significant diversification. Currently, U.S. reserves consist primarily of gold, U.S. dollars and government bonds. Bitcoin would provide an additional layer of security and stability of value. By combining traditional and digital assets, the US could further strengthen its financial position and hedge against economic uncertainties.

Economic and geopolitical implications

The decision to use Bitcoin as a reserve asset could have far-reaching implications for the global financial order. Other countries could follow the US example and also include Bitcoin in their reserves. This would further increase the acceptance and value of Bitcoin and establish the currency as a global reserve asset. It would also further strengthen the US’s position as a leading economy, as it would hold a significant amount of an emerging digital asset.
Bitcoin has the potential to play a central role in the U.S. national reserves. Its scarcity, technological base and high appreciation make it an attractive asset. By integrating Bitcoin into the national reserves, the US could further strengthen its financial stability and geopolitical position. The acquisition strategy and potential economic benefits make this move a promising prospect for the future.

Economic Benefits for the US

The addition of Bitcoin to the U.S. national reserves could offer a number of significant economic benefits. These benefits range from the diversification of reserves to the potential reduction of the national debt. This chapter examines the economic benefits in detail and backs them up with concrete facts and figures.

Reduction of national debt

A significant economic benefit of adding Bitcoin to the national reserves is the potential reduction in the national debt. Currently, the US national debt is over 30 trillion US dollars. Assuming the US holds 1 million Bitcoin in the long term, the resulting increases in value could make a significant contribution to debt reduction. According to forecasts, the value of Bitcoin could increase so much over the next 20 years that the USA could reduce its national debt by half. This is based on the historical performance of Bitcoin, which has an average annual growth rate of around 55%.

Diversification of reserves

The addition of Bitcoin would represent an important diversification of US reserves. Currently, reserves consist mainly of gold, US dollars and government bonds. Gold accounts for about 19% of the global gold reserves held by the US. By adding Bitcoin to its reserves, the US could further increase its financial stability and hedge against economic uncertainties. Bitcoin has proven to be a resilient asset that holds its value, especially in times of economic turmoil.

Using market values to convert assets

Another economic advantage is the ability to efficiently convert existing assets into Bitcoin. For example, the US could adjust its gold certificates, which are currently valued at a historical price of $42 per ounce, to the current market value of around $2,400 per ounce. This would significantly increase the value of the gold certificates and these funds could then be used to buy Bitcoin. This strategy allows for a value-enhancing conversion of existing assets into an emerging digital reserve asset.

Supporting the US dollar

Adding Bitcoin to the national reserves could also strengthen the US dollar. Bitcoin is considered a “hard” digital asset, similar to gold. By supporting the US dollar with Bitcoin and gold, the US could further strengthen confidence in its currency. Such support would increase the stability and international value of the US dollar, which in turn would strengthen the US’s position in the global economy.

Securing and growing reserves

Securing Bitcoin in the national reserves not only provides protection from economic uncertainty, but also allows for potential growth. Bitcoin can be stored securely in cold storage, similar to gold. This protects the reserves from theft and loss. Bitcoin also has the potential to increase significantly in value over time, allowing reserves to grow further. This increase in value could be used to finance important national projects and economic development.

Integration into the global economy

The US decision to include Bitcoin in its reserves could also promote integration into the global economy. Bitcoin is traded and accepted globally, improving the U.S.’s ability to trade internationally. By holding significant Bitcoin reserves, the U.S. could take a leading role in the global cryptocurrency market and reap the benefits of a growing digital economy.

Strengthening economic sovereignty

The economic sovereignty of the US could be further strengthened by diversifying its reserves and embracing Bitcoin. Dependence on traditional financial systems and instruments would be reduced, giving the US more independence and flexibility in its economic policy. This independence is particularly important in times of global economic uncertainty and geopolitical tensions.
The inclusion of Bitcoin in the U.S. national reserves offers a variety of economic benefits. From reducing the national debt, to diversifying and securing reserves, to strengthening the U.S. dollar and economic sovereignty, Bitcoin has the potential to permanently change the U.S. financial landscape. Through strategic and well-planned integration, the U.S. could further solidify its position as a leading economy and be well positioned for the future.

Political Support and Implementation

Political support and implementation of the strategy to include Bitcoin in the U.S. national reserves will play a critical role in realizing this visionary initiative. Various political actors and concrete plans are helping to drive this process forward. This chapter examines in detail the political dimensions and concrete steps to implement this strategy.

Political actors and support

The idea of using Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset of the US has received support from various prominent politicians. This support is crucial in order to create the necessary legislation and organizational structures. Several senators and representatives have signaled their support and are actively working to create the appropriate framework.

Concrete plans and legislation

A key component of policy implementation is the development and passage of legislation to regulate the acquisition and management of Bitcoin by the U.S. government. One of the proposed plans calls for the US to purchase 550 Bitcoin per day until a reserve of 4 million Bitcoin is reached. This equates to an annual purchase of up to 200,000 Bitcoin over a five-year period.

Strategic measures for implementation

The implementation of this strategy requires careful planning and coordination between various government agencies. One important measure is the transfer of Bitcoin holdings currently held by the U.S. government, comprising approximately 200,000 Bitcoin, to the U.S. Treasury Department. This Bitcoin is derived from various legal actions and can serve as a starting point for building the national reserves.

Funding and resource management

An important aspect of implementation is the funding of Bitcoin acquisition. One proposed method is to adjust the valuation of gold certificates, which are currently valued at a historical price of 42 US dollars per ounce. Adjusting this to the current market value of around 2400 US dollars per ounce could create significant financial leeway that can be used to finance the acquisition of Bitcoin.

Transparency and administration

Transparency and efficient administration are crucial to the success of this initiative. The plan is to create a network of secure repositories for the storage of Bitcoin reserves. These storage facilities would meet similar security standards as the existing gold storage facilities in the US. In addition, the establishment of programs for the transparent management of Bitcoin holdings is planned in order to gain the trust of the public and the international community.

Timeframe and milestones

The implementation of the strategy to add Bitcoin to the national reserves will be phased and includes several key milestones. A first step is the introduction and commenting of draft legislation. This process could be completed by 2025, allowing formal approval and the start of Bitcoin acquisition. From 2025 to 2030, the U.S. would then continuously acquire Bitcoin to reach the targeted reserve of 4 million Bitcoin.

International reactions and cooperation

The US decision to use Bitcoin as a reserve asset is likely to provoke international reactions. Other countries may consider similar moves to diversify their own reserves and strengthen their economic stability. This development could lead to increased international cooperation and a global dialog on the role of cryptocurrencies in the financial system.

Challenges and risks

Despite the many benefits, there are also challenges and risks that need to be considered when implementing this strategy. These include the volatility of Bitcoin, technical challenges in secure storage and the need for a robust legal and regulatory framework. These challenges require careful planning and continuous adaptation of strategies and measures.
Political support and concrete implementation of the strategy to include Bitcoin in the U.S. national reserves are critical to the success of this visionary initiative. Through careful planning, transparent management and international cooperation, the U.S. can strengthen its financial stability and position as a leading economy. Implementing this strategy will not only provide economic benefits, but will also drive technological and financial innovation.

Technological aspects and security

Bitcoin is based on blockchain technology, which is considered extremely secure. The decentralized nature of blockchain makes it resistant to tampering and hacking. For the US, this means that funds invested in Bitcoin are safe and well protected. Furthermore, storing Bitcoin in secure government vaults would provide an additional layer of security.

Comparison with Traditional Reserve Assets

The consideration of Bitcoin as a reserve asset in the U.S. national reserves inevitably raises the question of how Bitcoin compares to traditional reserve assets such as gold and fiat currencies. This chapter draws a detailed comparison between Bitcoin and traditional reserve assets to better understand Bitcoin’s unique characteristics and potential benefits.

Gold as a traditional reserve asset

Gold has established itself as the reserve asset of choice for centuries. The US holds approximately 19% of the world’s gold reserves, contributing to the stability and strength of the US dollar. Gold is prized for its scarcity, durability and value. The current market value of gold is around 2400 US dollars per ounce. Traditionally, gold has been seen as a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty as it has maintained its value over long periods of time.

Bitcoin compared to gold

Bitcoin shares some of the key characteristics of gold, particularly its scarcity and the characteristic of being considered a ‘hard’ asset. Bitcoin is limited to 21 million units, which creates a similar scarcity to gold. However, a key difference lies in the digital nature of Bitcoin. While gold must be physically stored and protected, Bitcoin can be stored digitally and securely in so-called cold storages. This digital nature makes Bitcoin easier to transfer and trade.
Another advantage of Bitcoin is its historical increase in value. Since its introduction, Bitcoin has recorded an average annual growth rate of around 55%, while gold has had a much lower growth rate over the same period. This impressive increase in value makes Bitcoin an attractive addition to traditional gold reserves.

Fiat currencies as reserve assets

Fiat currencies, especially the US dollar, play a central role in the US national reserves. The US dollar is the dominant reserve currency in the world and is widely used in international transactions. The stability and acceptance of the US dollar contribute to the financial power of the USA. However, fiat money is subject to inflation and can lose value through excessive printing.

Bitcoin compared to fiat currencies

Unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoin is deflationary in nature as its total supply is limited. This limitation protects Bitcoin from inflation and loss of value, making it an attractive asset. Bitcoin is also secured by a decentralized network of computers, known as nodes, which increases its tamper resistance. This decentralization provides additional protection against political and economic uncertainties that can affect fiat currencies.

Relevant article: Is Bitcoin suitable as a financial asset? – A comprehensive analysis

Diversification and risk hedging

The inclusion of Bitcoin in national reserves would promote asset diversification. A well-diversified reserve base reduces risk and protects the economy from unexpected shocks. By combining gold, fiat currencies and Bitcoin, the US could create a more robust and resilient financial base. Bitcoin’s volatility is often seen as a risk, but its long-term appreciation could offset this risk.

Technological and security aspects

The blockchain technology on which Bitcoin is based offers significant security benefits. Every Bitcoin transaction is recorded in a public ledger, the blockchain, and verified by a network of computers. This decentralization makes the system resistant to manipulation and hacker attacks. In comparison, traditional reserve assets such as gold must be physically protected and secured, which requires elaborate and costly security measures.

International acceptance and tradability

Bitcoin is traded and accepted worldwide, which increases its liquidity and tradability. In contrast, international transactions in gold and fiat currencies can be affected by geopolitical tensions and regulatory hurdles. The global acceptance of Bitcoin as a means of payment and store of value is growing steadily, further strengthening its usefulness as a reserve asset.

Long-term prospects and performance

In the long term, Bitcoin offers the potential for significant appreciation. While gold and fiat currencies have their respective advantages and disadvantages, Bitcoin offers a unique combination of scarcity, appreciation potential and technological security. These characteristics make Bitcoin a valuable addition to traditional reserve assets and a strategic investment for the future.
The comparison between Bitcoin and traditional reserve assets such as gold and fiat currencies clearly shows the unique advantages of Bitcoin. Due to its scarcity, impressive historical appreciation and technological security, Bitcoin offers an attractive addition to existing reserve assets. Diversifying the nation’s reserves with Bitcoin could strengthen U.S. financial stability and solidify its position as a leading economy.

Impact on the Global Financial Order

The US decision to include Bitcoin as part of its national reserves has the potential to cause profound changes in the global financial order. These implications range from the role of the US in the international financial system to the global acceptance and regulation of cryptocurrencies. This chapter examines the potential consequences and long-term implications of this move in detail.

Change in international reserve policy

Traditionally, countries have held gold and fiat currencies as the main components of their reserves. The inclusion of Bitcoin in the US national reserves could prompt other countries to consider similar moves. If the US successfully demonstrates that Bitcoin is a valuable addition to its reserves, other nations may follow suit. This would lead to wider acceptance of Bitcoin as an international reserve asset and encourage diversification of global reserves.

Strengthening US dominance in the global financial world

The US currently holds around 19% of the world’s gold reserves and is the leading economy. By adding Bitcoin to its reserves, the US could further strengthen its financial dominance. A strategic holding of up to 4 million Bitcoin would give the US significant influence in the global Bitcoin market. This could solidify the US’s position as a leading economic power and strengthen its ability to influence global financial trends.

Relevant article: BRICS alliance considers bitcoin as an alternative to the US dollar

Increasing the global acceptance of Bitcoin

The decision of a leading nation such as the US to use Bitcoin as a reserve asset would significantly increase the global adoption of Bitcoin. Other countries, corporations and institutional investors could view Bitcoin as a legitimate and valuable asset. This could lead to a broader integration of Bitcoin into the global financial system and further increase demand for the cryptocurrency.

Impact on the global currency market

The introduction of Bitcoin as a reserve asset could also have an impact on the global currency market. Bitcoin could take on a role as an alternative means of payment and store of value, which could change the influence of traditional fiat currencies such as the US dollar, euro and yen. While Bitcoin is currently highly volatile, its increasing acceptance and use could lead to a stabilization of its value.

Promoting technological innovation and blockchain adoption

The US decision to include Bitcoin in its reserves would also encourage technological innovation and the adoption of blockchain technology. Bitcoin is based on a decentralized blockchain that is considered secure and transparent. By integrating Bitcoin into the national reserves, other applications of blockchain technology could also be promoted, which could lead to wider use and acceptance.

Regulatory implications

The US decision to use Bitcoin as a reserve asset would likely lead to increased regulation and oversight of cryptocurrencies. Governments around the world could develop new laws and policies to regulate the trading and use of Bitcoin. These regulations could help to increase the security and stability of the cryptocurrency market and prevent illegal activities.

Potential risks and challenges

Despite the many benefits, there are also potential risks and challenges. Bitcoin’s volatility could lead to uncertainty in national reserves. In addition, geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties could affect the acceptance and value of Bitcoin. These risks require careful planning and risk management strategies to ensure the stability of national and global financial systems.

Long-term prospects and developments

In the long term, the inclusion of Bitcoin in the US national reserves could lead to a new era of global financial order. The growing acceptance and use of Bitcoin could challenge traditional financial systems and institutions and create new opportunities for economic collaboration and innovation. The U.S. could play a leading role in shaping this new financial landscape and further strengthen its position as a global economic power.
The US decision to include Bitcoin as part of its national reserves has the potential to significantly alter the global financial order. From strengthening US dominance in the financial world to promoting global acceptance of Bitcoin, the implications of this move are far-reaching and multi-faceted. With careful implementation and management of the associated risks, the US and the global economy could reap the benefits of this innovative strategy.

Critical Voices and Challenges

The decision to include Bitcoin in the U.S. national reserves is not without controversy. Despite the potential economic and strategic benefits, there are numerous critical voices and challenges that need to be considered. This chapter examines the main concerns and obstacles in detail.

Volatility of Bitcoin

One of the most common arguments against the inclusion of Bitcoin in national reserves is its high volatility. Bitcoin has experienced significant price fluctuations throughout its history. This volatility can lead to uncertainty and risk, especially when it comes to the stability of national reserves. Critics argue that Bitcoin’s volatility could make the value of reserves unpredictable and cause financial instability.

Technical challenges in storage

Bitcoin requires special technical solutions for secure storage. The so-called “cold storage” method, in which Bitcoin is stored offline, offers a high level of security, but also requires extensive technical expertise and infrastructure. Managing and securing large amounts of Bitcoin could pose a significant challenge for government institutions, especially in comparison to the physical storage of gold.

The regulation of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is still at an early stage worldwide. There are no uniform international standards, and many countries have different approaches to regulating and taxing cryptocurrencies. These legal and regulatory uncertainties could complicate the implementation of the strategy and lead to international conflicts.

Risk of cyber attacks

Despite the security advantages of blockchain technology, the risk of cyberattacks remains. Hackers could attempt to steal or manipulate state Bitcoin holdings. This risk requires robust security measures and continuous monitoring to ensure the integrity of national reserves.

Market manipulation and speculation

The cryptocurrency market is susceptible to market manipulation and speculative activity. Large-scale purchases or sales of Bitcoin by the US government could significantly influence the market and lead to price fluctuations. Critics fear that this market manipulation could undermine stability and confidence in Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market.

Environmental concerns

Bitcoin mining is an energy-intensive process that can have a significant environmental impact. The high energy consumption and associated CO2 emissions raise questions about Bitcoin’s sustainability and environmental impact. Critics argue that government support for such technology could have negative environmental consequences and is not compatible with climate goals.

Economic dependence and diversification

Another argument against the inclusion of Bitcoin in the national reserves is the concern about excessive economic dependence on a single digital asset. Critics emphasize the need for a diversified reserve base that includes different types of assets to minimize risk. Too much focus on Bitcoin could jeopardize this diversification.

Public perception and acceptance

Public perception of Bitcoin is mixed. While some see Bitcoin as a revolutionary technology and valuable asset, others see it as a speculative and unsafe investment. These differing views could influence public acceptance of the strategy and cause political resistance.

Potential economic impact

The integration of Bitcoin into national reserves could also have unintended economic consequences. For example, sharp fluctuations in the price of Bitcoin could affect the rate of inflation and the value of the U.S. dollar. These potential economic impacts must be carefully evaluated and managed.
The decision to include Bitcoin in the U.S. national reserves faces numerous criticisms and challenges. From volatility and technical challenges to legal uncertainties and environmental concerns, these issues must be carefully considered and addressed. Successful implementation requires comprehensive planning, robust security measures and continuous adaptation to changing market conditions and regulatory requirements. Only by carefully considering these challenges can the strategy be successful in the long term and support the financial and economic goals of the US.

Future Prospects

The inclusion of Bitcoin in the U.S. national reserves represents a significant strategic decision that could have far-reaching implications for the future of the U.S. economy and the global financial order. This chapter examines the potential future prospects of this strategy, including the economic, technological and geopolitical implications.

Long-term increase in the value of Bitcoin

Bitcoin’s historical performance shows an average annual growth rate of around 55%. If this trend continues, the value of Bitcoin could increase significantly over the next few decades. For the US, this means that funds invested in Bitcoin could experience a strong increase in value. This increase in value could help reduce the national debt and strengthen financial stability. Assuming that the USA holds 1 million Bitcoin in the long term, its value could increase so much in 20 years that the national debt could be reduced by half.

Diversification of national reserves

The diversification of national reserves through the inclusion of Bitcoin offers several advantages. In addition to gold, US dollars and government bonds, Bitcoin would provide an additional layer of security. This diversification could increase the resilience of national reserves to economic uncertainties. A well-diversified reserve base protects the economy from unexpected shocks and provides more stability.

Technological innovation and blockchain adoption

The integration of Bitcoin into national reserves would promote the acceptance and use of blockchain technology. Bitcoin is based on a decentralized blockchain that is considered secure and transparent. Government support for Bitcoin could increase the acceptance of this technology in other areas of the economy and the public sector. This could lead to a broader application of blockchain technology and promote technological innovation.

Geopolitical implications

The US decision to use Bitcoin as a reserve asset could have geopolitical implications. Other countries could follow suit and also include Bitcoin in their reserves to strengthen their financial stability and reduce their dependence on traditional fiat currencies. This could lead to a wider acceptance of Bitcoin as a global reserve asset and change the international financial order. The US could play a leading role in shaping this new financial landscape.

Strengthening economic sovereignty

The inclusion of Bitcoin in the national reserves could strengthen US economic sovereignty. By diversifying its reserves and utilizing a digital asset, the U.S. could increase its independence from traditional financial systems and instruments. This independence is especially important in times of global economic uncertainty and geopolitical tensions. Bitcoin provides an additional layer of security that strengthens U.S. economic sovereignty and stability.

Influence on the global financial order

The increasing acceptance of Bitcoin as a reserve asset could permanently change the global financial order. If leading economies such as the US include Bitcoin in their reserves, this could lead to wider acceptance and use of cryptocurrencies. This would challenge the role of fiat currencies in the global financial system and create new opportunities for economic cooperation and innovation. Bitcoin could establish itself as a global reserve asset and reshape the international financial landscape.

Ecological and sustainable developments

An important aspect of Bitcoin’s future prospects is its environmental sustainability. The high energy consumption of Bitcoin mining has led to concerns about its environmental impact. In the future, technological advances and the use of renewable energy could help to reduce the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining. Sustainable development of the Bitcoin ecosystem would be crucial to ensure long-term acceptance and use.

Education and public acceptance

Bitcoin’s future prospects also depend on education and public acceptance. A better understanding of how Bitcoin works and its benefits could help to increase adoption among the wider population. Educational initiatives and transparent information campaigns could help to inform the public about the potential benefits and risks of Bitcoin and increase confidence in the technology.
The future prospects of Bitcoin’s inclusion in the U.S. national reserves are promising and diverse. From long-term value appreciation and reserve diversification to fostering technological innovation and geopolitical change, the potential benefits are significant. With careful planning and implementation, the U.S. could strengthen its financial stability and economic sovereignty and take a leading role in shaping the global financial order. The coming years will be critical to see how this strategy evolves and what its long-term impact will be.


The acquisition of 5% of all available bitcoins by the US is a strategic move with far-reaching economic and geopolitical implications. By diversifying government reserves and taking advantage of Bitcoin, the U.S. could strengthen its financial stability and solidify its position as a global superpower. The implementation of these plans will require careful planning and cooperation between political and economic actors, but offers a promising outlook for the future.


Ed Prinz serves as Chairman of, the most renowned non-profit organization in Austria specializing in blockchain technology. DLT Austria is actively involved in the education and promotion of the added value and application possibilities of distributed ledger technology. This is done through educational events, meetups, workshops and open discussions, all in voluntary collaboration with leading industry players.

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This is my personal opinion and not financial advice. For this reason, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information in this article. If you are unsure, you should consult a qualified advisor you trust. No guarantees or promises regarding profits are made in this article. All statements in this and other articles are my personal opinion.

By Ed Prinz

Ed Prinz co-founded, a digital marketplace for blockchain-secured assets, and chairs, a leading blockchain non-profit.

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