Bitcoin’s Path to USD 170,000, Ethereum Under Pressure and Solana’s Rise
Bitcoin’s Path to USD 170,000, Ethereum Under Pressure and Solana’s Rise

In the rapidly evolving world of crypto-assets, innovation, speculation and the evolution of technology are omnipresent. While Bitcoin continues to lead the way and consolidate its position through significant events such as the upcoming halving, Ethereum and Solana exemplify the dynamic changes and challenges within the ecosystem. The bankruptcy of Celsius casts a shadow over Ethereum, while Solana is setting new standards with innovative protocols. These developments underline the diversity and constant movement in the crypto market, which is characterized by the interplay of technology, market mechanisms and investor behavior. The following analysis takes a look at the current trends and events shaping the digital currency landscape and offers insights into the potential future of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana.

The future of Bitcoin – A potential rise to 170,000 US dollars

The discussions surrounding the price development of Bitcoin are as diverse as the crypto-asset itself. There is a particular focus on the forecast that the price of Bitcoin could rise to as much as USD 170,000 after the next halving in April. This prediction is not based on mere speculation, but also on an analysis of historical data and patterns observed after the previous halving events.

The significance of the halving

The Halving is an event that occurs every four years, where the reward for mining Bitcoin is reduced by half. This reduces the supply of new Bitcoins, which can theoretically lead to a price increase if demand remains the same or increases. Historical data shows that Bitcoin prices have tended to rise after the halving events, which forms the basis for the current forecast.

Forecasts and speculation

The prediction of a price increase to USD 170,000 is based on the assumption that the price of Bitcoin could be around USD 50,000 in April, the time of the next halving. Based on the theory that the price could quadruple after the halving, this results in a potential price of USD 200,000 within 18 months of the halving. This estimate is also supported by well-known investors such as Anthony Scaramucci of SkyBridge Capital, who believes an even higher value is possible if Bitcoin were to reach half the market capitalization of gold, which could mean a price of up to USD 400,000.

Read also: Bitcoin vs. gold: where should you invest your money?

Uncertainty factors

Despite the optimistic forecasts, there are also uncertainties that could affect the potential price increase. One such factor is the liquidation of Mt Gox, a crypto exchange that went bankrupt in 2014 and still has 142,000 bitcoins. The sale of these bitcoins could have a significant impact on the market and potentially put pressure on the price. At the time of the insolvency, prices for Bitcoin were significantly lower, meaning that those affected could realize a significant profit on a sale.

Market reactions and investor behavior

The market’s reaction to the halving and the associated uncertainties will also be influenced by investor behavior. Historical patterns and the general sentiment towards Bitcoin as “digital gold” play an important role in the price development. The idea that Bitcoin is a safe investment in times of uncertainty supports the positive market view.

In summary, the forecast of a rise in the Bitcoin price to USD 170,000 is based on a mixture of historical patterns, current market analysis and speculative assumptions. While optimism prevails, the potential uncertainty factors emphasize the need for investors to carefully monitor the market and weigh risk.

Ethereum under selling pressure – The role of Celsius

In the world of crypto-assets, Ethereum is often in the spotlight alongside Bitcoin. One of the current challenges for Ethereum is the selling pressure caused in part by the insolvency of the lending platform Celsius in 2022. This development leads to a potential flooding of the market with a significant amount of Ethereum, which could put pressure on the price.

Celsius and Ethereum: A problematic connection

Celsius, once a leading crypto-asset lending platform, ran into financial difficulties and filed for bankruptcy in 2022. As a result, the company announced plans to sell some of its Ethereum holdings to satisfy creditor claims. These holdings are estimated to be worth over one billion US dollars, which equates to around 433,000 Ethereum. The announcement resulted in significant amounts of Ethereum being transferred to various wallets, including Coinbase Prime, Paxos and Falcon X, in preparation for the sale.

Impact on the market

The potential sale of such a large amount of Ethereum has naturally raised concerns about selling pressure on the market. It is estimated that around 300,000 of the total 433,000 Ethereum have already been sold via over-the-counter (OTC) trades, which could alleviate direct price pressure on the open market. Nevertheless, concerns remain that the sale of the remaining Ethereum could further influence the price.

The role of OTC transactions

OTC transactions play an important role in mitigating potential price pressure. By trading a large portion of Ethereum directly between parties without flowing through public exchanges, the immediate impact on the market price is reduced. This mechanism is crucial to avoid abrupt price fluctuations that could occur if such large amounts of Ethereum were suddenly sold on the open market.

Ethereum price development and outlook

Despite the selling pressure, Ethereum’s price performance shows resilience. The price has slowly recovered after a slump that was partly due to the collapse of the planned Bitcoin ETF. This recovery suggests that confidence in Ethereum and its underlying technology remains strong. In addition, the potential launch of an Ethereum ETF remains a topic of great interest, which could have a positive impact on the price.

The selling pressure on Ethereum caused by the planned liquidation of Celsius’ Ethereum holdings poses a significant challenge to the market. While the direct impact on the price could be mitigated by OTC transactions, the situation remains volatile and requires careful monitoring. Despite these challenges, Ethereum shows strength and the potential for future growth, supported by continued interest in its technology and speculation around a possible ETF.

Solana’s rise through a new protocol – A challenge for Ethereum

Solana has recently attracted attention with the launch of a new protocol called Jupiter, which has remarkably been able to generate more trading volume than Ethereum’s incumbent decentralized exchanges (DEX), Uniswap V2 and V3. This development marks a significant moment in the crypto-asset world and points to the growing interest and confidence in Solana’s technology and its ability to compete in a market dominated by Ethereum.

Jupiter and its impact on trading volume

Jupiter, Solana’s new decentralized protocol, has managed to achieve significant trading volume, surpassing that of Uniswap V2 and V3. This success can be partially attributed to the anticipation of an airdrop of the Jupiter token, which led to increased activity and interest in the platform. In addition, the introduction of a memecoin that could be traded on Jupiter contributed to the increase in trading volume. This dynamic enabled some users to make profits of around 100 US dollars by selling the memecoin.

The impact on Solana

The success of Jupiter has not only increased the trading volume on Solana, but has also had a positive impact on the price of the Solana crypto asset. This illustrates how innovation and new developments within the Solana ecosystem can increase interest in the platform and position Solana as a serious alternative to Ethereum. The ability to generate significant trading volumes and attract users through innovative approaches such as airdrops and new token offerings underlines Solana’s potential in the competitive landscape of blockchain platforms.

Read also: Top 10 Solana Airdrops to keep an eye on in 2024?

Comparison and competition with Ethereum

The direct comparison of Solana’s new protocol with Ethereum’s DEXs, such as Uniswap V2 and V3, sheds light on the dynamic nature of the crypto market, where new players and technologies are constantly challenging the established norms. While Ethereum is considered the leading platform for decentralized applications and smart contracts, Solana’s success with Jupiter shows that there is room for competition and innovation. Solana’s differentiators, such as higher transaction speeds and lower fees, offer an attractive alternative for developers and users.

Solana’s new protocol Jupiter has achieved impressive success by generating more trading volume than Ethereum’s renowned DEX. This development is a testament to the growing interest and trust in Solana and its ability to establish itself as a powerful alternative in the blockchain space. Jupiter’s success, combined with the market’s positive reaction to Solana, suggests that blockchain technology and the crypto assets market will continue to be characterized by innovation and competition between different platforms. Solana’s progress could shift the balance in the decentralized finance (DeFi) and DEX space in the long run, leading to a more diversified and dynamic landscape.

Read also: Solana vs Ethereum – The future of decentralized dominance

Conclusion and outlook

The crypto-assets landscape remains a fascinating and dynamic sector, characterized by innovation, speculation and constant competition between different technologies and platforms. The discussion around the potential rise of the Bitcoin price to USD 170,000 after the next halving, the selling pressure on Ethereum due to the bankruptcy of Celsius and the remarkable success of Solana’s new protocol Jupiter underline the complexity and volatile outlook of this market.

  • Bitcoin may be on the verge of a significant price increase, driven by historical patterns and the concept of halving. The forecast of up to USD 170,000 illustrates the confidence some investors have in the long-term appreciation of Bitcoin, although uncertainties such as the liquidation of Mt. Gox remain.
  • Ethereum is facing selling pressure, particularly from the planned sale of assets by Celsius. Despite this pressure, resilience is evident in Ethereum’s price, reflecting continued confidence in its underlying technology and potential for future growth.
  • Solana has attracted attention through the Jupiter protocol by generating more trading volume than Ethereum’s Uniswap. This signals Solana’s growing importance and its claim to be a serious contender in the decentralized finance and exchange space.

Overall, these developments show that the crypto market remains an area of opportunity and challenge. Innovation and the introduction of new technologies will likely continue to drive the growth and momentum of the market. While Bitcoin and Ethereum look to consolidate their positions as leading crypto assets, emerging platforms such as Solana offer fresh perspectives and alternatives that enrich the ecosystem. The outlook for the crypto assets industry remains positive, with the expectation that innovation, regulatory developments and increasing institutional interest will drive the market forward.


Ed Prinz is co-founder and CEO of The platform serves as a digital marketplace for digital assets that are secured using blockchain technology. On this platform, digital assets can be created, displayed in a gallery and traded on a marketplace. Everything is completely decentralized via smart contracts on the public blockchain. Usage rights are also secured on the blockchain, as is the entire trading history. He also serves as chairman of, the most renowned non-profit organization in Austria specializing in blockchain technology. DLT Austria is actively involved in the education and promotion of the added value and possible applications of distributed ledger technology. This is done through educational events, meetups, workshops and open discussions, all in voluntary collaboration with leading industry players.

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This is my personal opinion and not financial advice. For this reason, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information in this article. If you are unsure, you should consult a qualified advisor you trust. No guarantees or promises regarding profits are made in this article. All statements in this and other articles are my personal opinion.

By Ed Prinz

Ed Prinz co-founded, a digital marketplace for blockchain-secured assets, and chairs, a leading blockchain non-profit.

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